Idle Firefighter 3D is a relaxing online firefighting game for everyone. The game's goal is to put out fires in the city. You control a firefighter in each round, and you can move around the map with your mouse. Move closer to the fire, and your character will automatically put it out. What are you waiting for? Join Idle Firefighter 3D today!

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How to play

In the Idle Firefighter 3D game, players take on challenges by using the mouse to move and follow the instructions. Move closer to the fire, and your character will automatically put it out. However, you must have enough water to extinguish the fire. When you run out of water, head to the main water source to refill your water reserves. Some fires are too difficult to fight on foot, and for those situations, you have your fire truck. Hop in and drive to the fire. At the fire station, you can improve both your character and your fire truck. Good luck!

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